Oil on panel 50 x 70 cm
With Fox in the city you know that something is about to happen. The Fox is around to keep an eye out for you, connect to the right people and protect where he can.
NYC is a city that offers everything in the good and the bad. It’s exciting and full of life. I left my fox behind to keep an eye on my friends at the Music shop. Friendship is such valuable thing, the best to hang around with, to trust upon, the best medicine for broken hearts, they are there for you in good and bad times.
Fun fact
As a spirit animal, the fox reveals itself during times of great and unpredictable change. With its heightened sense of awareness, the fox compels you to turn up your own senses, gather the information you need, and act swiftly on your decision. The fox symbolizes mental responsiveness.
Fox in the City – Boston Next post